Changes in season, weather, sunlight, humidity, and temperature can dramatically affect
flash-off times of single-ply membrane adhesives and overall performance of adhered single-
ply roof systems rely on proper membrane adhesion. ReadyFlash Technology allow
contractors to manipulate adhesive flash-off times by choosing between two different-
colored facers on every board.
H-Shield CG and H-Shield HD products with ReadyFlash Technology feature a dark-colored
coated glass facer (CGF) on one side of the insulation board and a light-colored CGF on the
other. Utilizing the sun’s energy, the dark facer accelerates adhesive flash-off; while the light
facer slows it down. Contractors can choose between dark and light facers on the same
insulation board.

-On a hot, sunny day the adhesive is flashing off prior to the crew completing application. Consider installing the light facer up to slow down adhesive flash-off time.
-On a cold day, the adhesive flash-off is taking longer than desired. Consider installing the dark facer up to speed up adhesive flash-off time and improve productivity.
-The applied membrane bonding adhesive is flashing off quicker than the adhesive applied to the insulation. Consider installing the dark side up so the adhesive on both surfaces can flash-off at the same time when applying bonding adhesive to both the membrane and insulation simultaneously.